CDX Telecom


Yeastar Series P & S Installation, Programmation & Maintenance Version AVANCEE

Format: Face-to-face / Remote training

Audience: Technicians & Installers

Duration: 7H over one day

Course ID : A-CDX-FR

Training objective

You will acquire advanced knowledge of the Yeastar P / S Series platform.
After this course, you will be able to implement complex Yeastar solutions with Linkus Softphone / CTI clients. see prices.



To have followed the Starter course


Face-to-face with practical work / Remote training


1. Announcement service

2. Group of jobs

3. Queues

4. Programmed functions

5. Maintenance and Diagnostics

6. Linkus (CTI / Softphone

7. LDAP directories

8. Operator Module (PO-PC function)

9. Remote administration

10. Video – Calls and Conferencing

11. Interfacing with CRM (ZOHO)


An instructor in the classroom or a video lecturer

Assessment method

At the end of the course, participants will be asked to complete a multiple-choice questionnaire to validate what they have learnt. Participants must obtain at least 80% correct answers.

Terms & Conditions

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by CDX Telecom or its subcontractors.


Each participant must have a laptop
The following resources will be available:
1. Classroom equipped with video projector and whiteboard
2. PBX P550 (1 model for 2 people)
3. SIP telephone terminals
4. Analogue terminals
5. Support de cours

  1. One virtual PBX (in the CDX Cloud) per participant
  2. Course materials
  3. Participants will need to have at their course location: 1 router, a PoE switch, 2 Yealink type workstations or others from the list attached for the application work.


Credit card payment


CPF account


Financed by the OPCO

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CDX Telecom est l'opérateur télécom du Groupe Hanlong Arialink, dédié aux entreprises PME, Hôtelerie etc. Expert des télécoms, de système vidéo-protection, CDX est né de la volonté de construire une relation client basée sur le service digital et personnalisé.

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