CDX Telecom

Fixed telephony

Enter a new era

CDX Telecom aligns itself with all medium-sized enterprises, local authorities, as well as large groups. Our priority is to enable you to stay focused on your business. With this in mind, our fixed telephony solutions meet all your technical requirements and support needs. Our goal: to ensure lasting reliability coupled with useful and agile features. Lire plus

Cloud VoIP Telephony Another way to design your customer relationship

VoIP (Voice over IP) technology complements IP telephony. So it’s all about harnessing the full potential of this combination for ever greater performance. This includes the simultaneous management of several different functions. The Arialink platform offered by CDX Télécom is an innovative IP telephony solution that integrates unified communications services.  Lire plus

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From your Arialink Customer Area, you can also access all your incoming and outgoing call statistics, your call log, your Interactive Voice Response (IVR) settings and many other features such as :

  • Call transfers,
  • Call overflow,
  • Time slots,
  • Call groups.

With CDX Télécom, you don’t just keep control of your telecom costs. What’s more, thanks to our public cloud infrastructure, you can enjoy all the benefits of fixed telephony that meets all current technological standards, without having to invest in new equipment.


The Arialink platform means :

  • A guaranteed recovery time of 4 hours, 7 days a week,
  • A service combining flexibility and customized support, thanks in particular to platforms replicated via several data centers,
  • High-speed SDSL connection,
  • Solutions tailored to your needs, constraints, development and budget: IP, classic or mixed telephony.
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IPBX More than your own dedicated PBX

IPBX stands for Internet Protocol private Branch eXchange. Behind this terminology lies an innovation that enables you to manage all your internal telephone calls on your local area network (LAN). This technology takes the form of a switchboard installed on your premises. It is connected to your corporate switchboard and uses the SIP protocol.

CDX Télécom can help you install your IPBX solution, including user features such as messaging, identification and dialing.


Your telephone answering service needs to be engaging, efficient and practical. On the one hand, it remains the main point of entry for the vast majority of your customers. On the other hand, it must ensure the preservation of your company’s brand image. With the following features, for example:

  • Music on hold,
  • Pre-hook,
  • Time-based routing,
  • Call groups,
  • Conferencing.


  • Accelerated call processing: for greater accuracy and efficiency,
  • Call centralization: for simplified actions and greater consistency between your company’s various departments,
  • Easier consultation of call status: as well as your employees’ availability,
  • Optimized call transfers: to improve the care and experience of each of your customers and partners.

How to carry out a PSTN migration without disrupting the smooth running of your business?

TRUNK SIP Arialink Your VoIP business communications solution

Integrating IPBX technology, Trunk SIP enables you to take advantage of more attractive VoIP rate plans. It enables the routing of several simultaneous telephone calls. All over the world. CDX Télécom can help you interconnect your company to Trunk SIP. What’s more, we give you access to VoIP functionality.

If your company doesn’t already have one, we’ll advise you on how to set up the necessary elements for your SIP Trunk. On the one hand, a dedicated VoIP Internet access with guaranteed SDSL or fiber optic throughput. Secondly, a VoIP SIP switchboard.

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  • High-quality termination (outgoing calls from your customers) and collection (incoming calls)
  • Optimized management of your channels and codecs, including an alert system
  • Easy management of your solution and comprehensive statistics
  • Rental of geographic DID numbers (01, 02...) and non-geographic numbers (09)
  • Simplified portability and unbundling of geographic, toll-free and premium numbers
  • Free inter-site calls and highly competitive prices for international calls
  • A complete billing tool and several billing modes available: prepaid, postpaid, unlimited rate plan
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VAS numbers Fixed telephony with added value

CDX Telecom offers a complete range of Value-Added Service (VAS) numbers. These are differentiated entry points to your pre-registered or personalized services. They’re also the ideal way to initiate a privileged relationship between your company and your customers. Made up of 10, 6 or 4 digits, they are billed according to a regulated pricing model paid for by the operator and/or content publisher – in other words, your company.